Sierra de Cordoba

The Sierra of Cordoba

The Sierra of Cordoba is the perfect place to escape from city life. Here in the countryside, among hills, rivers and reservoirs are found at once some German colonies!

German settlements in the Sierra de Cordoba

If you drive through Villa General Belgrano de, makes you feel like a tourist in mountain village in Bavaria and Austria.

Villa General Belgrano

Here in the Sierra de Cordoba around the turn of the century German and Austrian immigrants have settled and built buildings like in their home. At the same time in other traditions held as the Oktoberfest, which has now become a very popular event arriving to the drinking Funny from all over the country. This of course souvenirs like beer mugs are available in abundance!

Villa General Belgrano Oktoberfest

The second colony in the Sierra of Cordoba called La Cumbrecita, literally translated "small peak". This village is a little higher and offers apart from a typical village life also nice hiking trails around where you can visit waterfalls, etc.. Unfortunately we had to cancel our little family trip due to heavy rainfall.

fluss the cumbrecita

haus the cumbrecita

la cumbrecita weltreise

the pot the cumbrecita

Cordoba cumbrecita

In this area there are two reservoirs, which are equipped with barbecue facilities on the shore. Many locals here have house boats floating in the water, the ideal Wochenendhäußchen.

see saw cordoba argentinien

argentina cordoba

It will probably not be a coincidence that once settled here the Central European immigrants, the landscape looks vieelen areas in Germany and Austria really very similar!

The climate with about two to three summer months and a cold winter is similar, if somewhat milder in the cold season. This year it has been raining heavily in February, so it came to flooding.

stausee cordoba