Magellan penguins on Isla Magdalena

Tour Description

The Isla Magdalena is 2 hours from Punta Arenas and is accessible only by ferry. The island is the nesting home of approximately 120,000 Magellan penguins there annually.

Cupcake Island

magellanpinguin chile

Of life of the Magellan penguin

The Magellan penguin is significantly smaller than the King Penguin and is characterized by a white stripe on the head and another around the area on the abdomen.

penguin scream

magellan penguin head

The penguins swim at the beginning of the summer of Brazil to the south, where they have more hours of daylight. The Magellan penguins use their lives the same nest, which consists of a hole in the ground, which is lined with grass.

nest magellanpinguin

pinguine chile

Penguin nestbau

First, the male Magellanic penguins make their way around the nest prepare. Only then the females arrive and the pairing of these monogamous animals begins.

kiss penguin

Each couple can have one or two cubs have to be've been fed by the parents until they can independently fishing. Characterized by the young are gray feathers.

penguin baby

Since they are not gender-eligible until their fifth birthday, the bachelor of island living at the beach, since they need no nest.

lying penguins chile

The typical activities of Magellanic penguins are next to the fish, relax on the beach and to purify themselves.


penguins preen

lonely penguin

Some blame only on Angry Birds or stare into the distance.

angry bird pinguin

Between the penguins are also plenty of gulls frolic, so the island is full of life.

Cupcake Island

penguin couple

Our half-day tour, where we spent one hour in total on Isla Magdalena, we came very close to the Magellan penguins. There is a marked out, about 1.5 meter wide footpath, but the penguins cross on the way to the sea and back. Here we must always give priority to the animals as they have coming often swallowed by the sea food for their young, they can just choke up some time long again.

pinguinkolonie Magdalena Island

Although of course the king penguins are simply the Kings, the Magellan penguins have been much more active, so it pays to visit both hotbeds this very cute animals.

And along the way we saw from the ferry again fountains of whales and we also spotted the one or the other dorsal fin.

wal magallanes