Tasmanian Devil!

Experience the Tasmanian Devil in Tasmania Devil Conservation Park very close!

In a day trip from Hobart we went to the former prison area of ​​Port Arthur. This tour is optional visit to the Tasmanien Devil Conservation Park offered to you should definitely make!

Tasmanian devils are really very special animals.

In contrast to the rest of the body very large head with countless scars and the hunchback back are just really not a pretty sight! The more exciting it was to könnnen experience as close to these rare animals!

Tasmanian devil

Although they actually are nocturnal, they ran wild all the time in the pen around and keiften at each other.

_teufel tasmania

Tasmanian Devil

Worse was the whole as they were fed and they were fighting for the seizure. I think that in the photos more as it becomes clear why they were then called by the early European settlers devil. But you have a fair way to be said that the nurse said that while he spends a lot of time to separate the brawlers themselves but have never been attacked by them.

Tasmanian devil

In the end we had to cater for the Kangaroos, the stuffed ourselves literally out of hand! And in this size, they're also really cute !!

kangaroo park

weltreise kangaroos