Wineglass Bay @ Freycinet Nationalpark

Wineglass Bay – Tasmaniens Highlight!

The south of the Australian mainland Tasmania preferred nowadays only 500,000 inhabitants, living from 40% in the capital Hobart.

The island was discovered by the Dutchman Abel Tasman and the first European inhabitants were begeitet of convicts who were employed as workers for the construction. In 1850, every second inhabitant of Tasmania was a convict!

Nowadays, the whole thing is history and the main attraction for tourists from all over the world is the stunning scenery of Tasmania! The Freycinet Nationalpark with the Wineglass Bay is one of the most beautiful in Australia.

On the way there are the vineyards, which are mainly to be found here on the east coast due to the milder climate.

lagoon tasmania

tasmania wine

Autumn is probably a good time of year to Tasmania to visit alone if only because we were the only bus in the parking lot 😉 And even with some cloud cover, we were thus able to enjoy the view of the perfectly shaped bay.


Even if the Wineglass Bay is the flagship of the park, I personally found the coast at the Sleepy Bay much unique!


freycinet National Park

Sleepy bay freycinet

Here the wind formed in soft rock caves that can be visited with some skill.

_höhle sleepy bay

tour freycinet australien

Really stunning and is definitely worth a visit Honeymoon Bay with the mountains "The Hazards" in the background.

honeymoonbay tasmania

On the way you meet again and again to animal companions like here on a wallaby, almost a kangaroo in miniature design that is sympathetic to me in any case as his relatives in! 😉

wallaby australia

On the way to Launceston, the tour then made a detour into the really sleepy village of Ross, the bridge was built by former convicts.

Ross tasmania


The Freycinet National Park with the Wineglass Bay should definitely be on every Tasmanienreise, ideally one should here be better to rent a car to explore in more detail at the park.