Snorkeling on Pulau Perhentian

Snorkeling right from the beach away - Pulau Perhentian on

On both islands, snorkel tours are available where you put in a small motorboat very cheap to four different places. In addition to this trip we also rent even a kayak and drove almost all the points again, because it was nice sooo 😉 But right from the beach away you get a lot to see underwater life!

Echte Karettschildkröte (Eretmochelys imbricata)

 Echte Karettschildkröte (Eretmochelys imbricata) perhentian



angelfish-stop Pomacanthidae

Hornhechte (Belonidae)


Schwarzspitzen-Riffhai (Carcharhinus melanopterus)

Papageifisch Seepapagei (Scarinae)

Amblyglyphidodon Riffbarsch

Acroporen Table coral

Anemonenfische (Amphiprion)

Montipora major cabbage coral

squid malaysia


Pilzkorallen (Fungiidae)


Tauchen am Great Barrier Reef

A day trip to the Great Barrier Reef

From Port Douglas I booked a day tour with the ship Poseidon on the outer Great Barrier Reef. There are approached three different locations on Agincourt Reef and I wanted to make two dives and snorkeling on the last stop. The whole has a value of 200 euros !! But good if you already making a trip around the world, one must sometimes have plunged on the Great Barrier Reef, but then there were for dinner again two times salad 😉

As you expected something swell, all other passengers tablets were equal sold for seasickness by 3 dollars. Next we went to the briefing for the divers and the introductory explanations of all the made a Discovery Dive, so dive without a diving license, of course, twice as expensive! .. With the snorkelers were so close to 60, 600 people felt on board.

Great barrier reef

Underwater Landscape

Fish agincourt reef


Anyway, everything went exactly as scheduled and I must say that everything was very well organized and all the equipment were ready on time. Too bad hold only that a great many people were in the water, many who have never dived or snorkeled with their fins unkontrollieren movements destroyed the coral.


Unfortunately, it was also constantly inevitably have people in front of my lens. And the board photographer to make matters worse rattled each from an underwater photo with an artificial starfish to have. So then there were 60 photos with people in suit with yellow starfish. $ 20 per photo ... I must disappoint you, no, I do not have it bought!

Giant fish australia snorkeling

The instructor was very much busy to entertain us as a result of the cloud there was poor visibility and at dive sites where day four ships go anyway is not much to see, because no fish is doing to stress 😉

Anyway, thought our Divemaster it would be a good idea (contrary to all diving rules) to take a cucumber in his hand.

Seegurke Poseidon

But well, on the last dive I have then yes snorkeled and made a few nice photos in scheichten water. Yes, sooo many corals as here on the Great Barrier Reef where you rarely get well otherwise face. Even if it is a lot of photos this time, it was so beautiful that I would most like to weitergeschnorchelt hours long!

Yet As a tip: save here on the reefs prefer money and forgo the diving, the most beautiful corals are close to the surface where they can "shine" through enough light too! Although on nice days with good visibility a dive worth it!

brain coral

fish gbr

Giant clam

Zanclus cornutus (halter fish)


great barrier agincourt

Chaetodon unimaculatus (Tränentropfen-Falterfisch

great barrier agincourt


blue starfish

Agincourt reef australien

agincourt reef

_ Acanthurus lineatus (Blaustreifen Doktorfisch)-

Macro coral

coral queensland

coral reefs

great barrier reef australia



coral australia


tauchen great barrier reeftauchen great barrier reef

Bright coral

reef australia

fish poseidon

Fitzroy Island – Great Barrier Reef I

Fitzroy Iceland - First attempts snorkel the Great Barrier Reef

Fitzroy Island is only 45 minutes by boat from Cairns and the East Coast of Australia. In Gegensastz to all the other overpriced snorkeling tours you can simply take the ferry and even from the beach snorkeling here. Just a few meters from the beach you will encounter a very interesting underwater world! Unfortunately, it was cloudy all day about something so due to the not so great view of the photos have not become sooo like you are used to from the catalog ....

So equipped with my Olympus Tough underwater camera, I went exploring.

Blue starfish australia

This was discovered by James Cook Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef in the world and takes place on the north east coast. Unfortunately zwischem 1985 and 2012, died about half of the corals. Blame is global warming, which is also to blame for the increased occurrence of cyclones, which destroy the corals. But the pollution of the sea and the occurrence of crown of thorns starfish add the reef to significant damage.

Nevertheless, the underwater world is very exciting here:
The giant clams, for example, can be found here everywhere. They are hard on the outside and soft on the inside and feed exclusively on algae.

Riesenmuschel great barrier reef

blue Shells

Muschel great barrier reef

Giant Clam australia

Muschel fitzroy island

In the coral a distinction between hard and soft corals and both are along with countless species of sponges found in abundance on the Fitzroy Iceland.

coral australia

Great barrier reef korallen

Korallen great barrier reef

Yellow sponge Great Barrier Reef

Coral weltreise

sponge australia

Coral gbr

Also here a wide variety of fish species, such as this very well camouflaged green fish, then a blue stain triggerfish, a mini fish cavort also well hidden, a six-banded angelfish, a blue stripe rabbit fish, butter fish and parrot fish. These then were joined by even two turtles.

Tarnfisch gbr

Blue spot triggerfish



Blue stripes Rabbitfish

Butterfische chaetodon queenland-

_fitzroy island papageienfisch-

turtle gbr

Oh yes, the island looked over the water from ;-), also very nice.

Fitzroy island

And here's the proof that I was really there and I swallowed about a total of 2 liters of salt water during dive! The Great Barrier Reef is definitely a must on every trip around the world, I'm looking forward to more!

World Travel snorkel