Costa Rica up in the AIR!

As we are in our jungle tour had a flight case, we used the course to take pictures and to be honest, was the 15 minute flight of the previously best experiences during the trip and not as strenuous as 7 hours of walking for same route!

That was quite a surprise as virtually out of nothing, the small plane landed in front of the ranger station. The fact that here the runway consists of a meadow and is not even paved, must indeed be a disadvantage ..... Anyway pilot Alvaro makes the job for 25 years and flies daily always the same 4-5 routes.

flugzeug corcovado

In the plane fit a maximum of 5 people, but he also brings always food etc. to the station. We started towards the sea and then made a loop over the national park so we now again could anything we've brought in the last 2 days walking behind us admire from the air. As Alvaro opened the window so my photos have no reflections, I thought that the wind carries me off the plane.

What have we found on our hike, it was confirmed again now, Costa Rica is seen scenically breathtaking, or can anyone in these photos say something else?

Endless and pristine beaches, not for nothing that 25% of the total area of ​​Costa Rica are protected. What you can imagine the sight of the dense rainforest of the air also, is the species richness in both flora and fauna.

Luftaufnahmen aus dem Corcovado Nationalpark

Luftaufnahme Costa Rica

küste corcovado

regenwald costa rica