Iguaçu - Brasilien

The location of the waterfalls of Iguazu

The waterfalls of the Iguazu River are exactly between Argentina and Brazil. Although the National Park of the Argentine side is much larger, the Brazilian side offers a beautiful panoramic view and should therefore also be sure to visit!

waterfalls of Iguaçu

Only about 30 minutes by bus and an almost non-existent border control from the Argentinian Puerto Iguazu away, you can within a half-day to Auflug in the National park do well to Brazil. Entry should either pay with the Brazilian national currency the real or credit card msn, since the exchange rate is very bad to other currencies and thus can save you about 8 euros per person. As in most national parks in South America pay locals no entrance fee and there are other benefits for almost all Latin American countries, tourists from other continents pay usually twice 🙁

iguaçu weltreise 2014

Die Highlights des Parks

Due to the small size of the park unfortunately meet a lot of tourists here, so there is a battle for the best vantage points for the photos! In particular, our Asian friends from Japan put their elbows on around us not to have their photos .... In some lands it is completely soaked by the water droplets of the falling masses.

aussichtsplattform iguaçu

On days with plenty of sunshine rainbows are everywhere to be found.

Iguaçu regenbogen

Iguaçu falls

The name Iguazu is composed of the two guaranischen words y (water) and Guasú (large) together, true it could not be!

iguazu of Brazil

Located in the lush rain forest, the waterfalls are a unique natural spectacle in which between 1,500 m³ / s to more than 7000 m³ / s of water in Bewwgung are.

panorama Iguaçu brasilien

Iguazu or Iguacu should really be on every trip around the world, there are undoubtedly the most impressive and diverse waterfalls I've ever seen.

Iguaçu pool