The Grampians

In the Grampians between rocks and kangaroos

The national park is located in Victoria, about 3 hours drive from Melbourne on the go. The first time on my trip around the world for a rental car was necessary, thank goodness I was only passenger 😉


The Grampians with its unique rock formations of sandstone are to observe a popular destination for hikers and the perfect place to kangaroos up close. They expected us already in the front yard of our hostel! (The caravan was not our hostel 😉 !!)

halls gap-kangaroo

änguru grampians halls gap

halls gap hostel

Some of the viewpoints are easily accessible by car in one day reach, necessarily but you should still take a short walk. Said and done!

We have for a 5 hour hike to the "Pinnacles" (tips) decided. Thankfully, the trails are very clearly labeled here as well as elsewhere in Australia, otherwise you would easily get lost here in the rock formations.

trail grampians

hike pinnacle

grampians pinnacle

Other mandatory items are the Rees Lookout, The Balconies and Boroka Lookout from where you can watch the entire environment. Finally, we made a detour to Lake Fyans to enjoy the evening sun. The Grampians are certainly a very romantic destination with stunning scenery!

boroka lookout grampians

the balconies

reed lookout


lake fyans