Young and playful orangutans at Camp Leakey

Die jungen Wilden! - Orangutanteenager im Camp Leakey

Orangutans have a life expectancy of about 50 years old. The reach sexual maturity occurs in females the age of seven. Among males with eight to fifteen years Whether it is a young or old monkeys, can be recognized by the color of the face which darkens with age and is finally black. In the males, the throat pouch and the Wangenwülste form only between 15 and 20 years of age.

More specifically comes close to the ape at Camp Leakey, which has established itself as a research station for the endangered primates. Dr. Biruté Galdikas has set up the camp in 1971, which is now also a central place for the Orangutan Foundation International is.

orangs camp leakey

camp leakey affe

At the young age of the male organ still play with each other and so test their strength. Later they are against each other struggling for the hierarchy in the group.

playing orangutans

young primate

Pongo pygmaeus camp leakey

This Orangutandame barred our way to feeding, lazy they just remained so motionless on the web are all up about 25 tourists on them have risen over it!

Pongo pygmaeus

As we made our after feeding with the boat on the way to our sleeping place, I saw this young male orangutan named Atlas in the trees on the riverbank.

atlas camp leakey

We stopped and the monkey approached the boat hoping to grab some food! Quick fruit pieces were brought from the kitchen to give to the curious and hungry Pongo pygmaeus. Be sure he wanted to climb directly onto the boat, we could very nearly avoided!

Hausboot orangutan

So the impossible came true, we could touch a Orangutan shortly after we have assured us that he has fully eat the mouth naturally 😉

weltreise orangutan