Auckland, Tiritiri Matangi Island & Bethells Beach

Auckland, Tiritiri Matangi Island & Bethells Beach

Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand's roughly one third of the total population, also has a lot to offer besides the Royals yet!

Although yes the cities here have no old buildings as we know it from Europe, Auckland is mainly characterized by its excellent cafes and restaurants!

The Sky Tower dominates the town and is illuminated at night violet.

Skytower auckland

Probably the best view you have but from the 196 m high extinct volcano Mt from Eden.

Mt eden

Auckland is located on the Hauraki Gulf consisting of 47 small islands.


On some day trips you can explore the islands, I chose Tiritiri because it is a bird National Park next to the beautiful landscape.

Hauraki golf

Strand tiritiri

Auckland from tiritiri

Here we were able to observe some rare birds such as the Takahe (red beak), Kakariki (green with red head) and Tui (white balls at the throat).


Vogel's provider

Vogel 2 provider

Tui bird new zealand

nothing weltreise

In addition, the views of the lighthouse and the surrounding beaches is really worth a visit!

Leuchtturm we ritiri

Last but not least, has brought me and my roommate on the road bifurcated Eva our New Zealand friend Ben to a very special place on the west coast near Auckland.

Here near the Bethells Beach, sand dunes mix with green hills, rivers and lakes, the whole thing looks like this:

Lake of inamu

Sanddüne lake of inamu

Landscape New Zealand world travel

The west coast beaches are very suitable for surfing! But here come the quch Auckländer weekend for walking or relaxing forth.

Bethells beach

Bethells beach

Auckland is really the perfect city to live there, pleasant climate, excellent infrastructure, nice cafes, beautiful houses, best excursions in the immediate vicinity and most of all the friendly people who live there! Too bad that New Zealand is soooo far away!

The Royals Kate and William in Auckland

The Royals Kate and William on Travel

A few days before my flight to Australia I now spent a weekend in Auckland, the largest city in New Zealand. Although I knew that Kate and William will be in New Zealand, I was not informed which route the two have chosen for their holidays.

But when I am with my roommate taking a walk to the harbor approached, we soon realized that because of the crowds, the British flag and the helicopters flying overhead, the Royals will probably not be far away ....

Auckland habour royals

In short, we spoke to a policeman, who kindly provided the further course told us: Kate and William were probably just gone out on sailing ships in the bay and would come back in about 1 hour.

Segelturn william kate

After a coffee break we went so then back to the scene.

Royals auckland

Royals auckland

Auckland royals shield

The official reception we had probably already missed, so few onlookers were only on the road, yet there were still some die-hard fans!

Fans royals auckland

Groupis auckland royals

Und dann kamen sie auch nacheinander, jeder auf seinem Segelboot angefahren, stiegen aus, bedankten sich bei den Veranstaltern und setzten sich in ein kleineres Boot.

Prince william auckland

Kate and william

As a stocky built Mitteleuropäerin I realized that Kate really has about half the hip measurement of me ....

Jedenfalls schienen sie gut gelaunt hier gerade ohne das Baby Prinz George ihren Urlaub zu genießen. Auch das Sicherheitsaufkommen wurde in Grenzen gehalten, wir hatten echt nicht geglaubt die beider aus dieser Nähe zu sehen!

Even as a non-Royalfan it was quite interesting to see in any case they are! Finally, they greeted us too cute! In this sense: Bye Kate, bye William! Although who wanted but even now to Australia, right? 😉

William auckland

The royals auckland