Otago Halbinsel

Otago Peninsula - around Dunedin

Dunedin and the Otago South Island New Zealand Halbinselauf the are known for unique wildlife. Here, albatrosses, sea lions, seals and penguins frolic.

otago peninsula

On an afternoon tour in bright sunshine but I had strong winds lucky enough to see all of the animals. First we went to the lookout point at which the albatrosses have a wingspan of 3 m and fly to Chile or to spend several months at sea.

Otago harbour

Then we went back and forth across the Otago Peninsula, past a picturesque landscapes and lagoons are a paradise for birds such as black swans. Reached the end, the evening will come back to the beach where the penguins from fishing to their nests.

Otago peninsula

black swans

Otago peninsula beach

And we were very lucky because a penguin suddenly appeared in front of us on the way and vorbeigewatschelt us directly.

Pinguin otago

Yellow-eyed Penguin New Zealand Otago

Yellow-eyed Penguin new zealand

Yellow-eyed Penguin

Then it was on to the beach where it entlag some sea lions made cozy. It was really impressive to see how the much larger male has fought against the light-colored females.

Sea lions couple Otago

Sea lions fight zealand

Interssant it was then when they are running up directly to us, you will not believe quickly these can be up to 400-pound sea lion!

Sea Lion New Zealand

Then we still looked the other penguins to how they surfed out with the waves of the water, dry shook and then went to the river to drink.

Dunedin Penguin

Penguin New Zealand

drink Penguin

Last but not least, at sunset and very stormy weather we visited the seal colony in the next bay.

Robbe zealand

dunedin seals

Fully durchgefrohren but very happy especially about the encounter with the penguin so went another day on our trip around the world to end!