Orang-utan in Borneo Tour

The orangutans von Zentralkalimatan

So a trip around the world is not to have completely visited without the orangutans in Tanjung Puting National Park National Park !!

Our check in was done from Kuching via Pontianak to Pangkalan Bun with small propeller planes, where the airport was waiting for our guide. The 4 nights / 5 days tour we had booked in advance via the Internet. Although there are several providers, all boats are very similar and you always meet all tourists at feeding, so that also the program does not differ by much.

The aerial view shows the rainforest Zentralkalimantans, but unfortunately I had to help with the colors more on environmental issues but later!

Aerial view Borneo

Pangkalan Bun

port Kumai

From Pangkalan Bun it goes half an hour by car to Kumai, a small port town where are many important goods for the Indonesian main island of Java shipped. Kumai but is also the gateway to Tanjung Puting Nationalpark, One of the most important of Indonesia.

The trip itself was by far the most comfortable jungle tour I've ever done! It is on a 16 meters long and 3 meters wide houseboat you here Klotok calls on the river kutschiert on which the vegetation is constantly changing.

river Kumai

The crew consists of a guide, the cook, the captain and his assistant, who are in the lower deck. The upper deck is one of the guests, here you can sleep on a mattress under a mosquito net and in addition to sun loungers, a large dining table that has the most delicious dishes are served in Indonesia.

Breakfast weltreise houseboat kalimantan

 Hausboot Klotok Orangutans

Klotok Essen Borneo

Fish lunch Borneo


Vegetable Indonesia

Boating kalimantan

At night is then applied to a quiet spot on the river.

Berth houseboat


Sonnenuntgang Kalimantan

In the evening is the proboscis monkeys observed on the trees on the riverbank the best time. Here they sit comfortably together in the group.

proboscis monkeys

Nasenaffe (Nasalis larvatus

indonesia Proboscis Monkey

Family proboscis monkeys

But the idyll is deceptive: Not far from the feeding sites of the orang utans, some kilometers further upstream, it has opened a gold mine. To get there, the rock mercury to separate the gold used which then passes directly into the river and gives him this brown color. This is where two branches of the river, the dark water is pure, the brown of the pollution. Although the government has promised a long time to clean the river, this has not happened yet and the people using it still to wash themselves and their clothes and to fish there.

indonesia pollution river

indonesia pollution river

In the national park there are 3 Feeding Stations, Tangui cottage, Cape of Good Hope and the famous Camp Leaky. Here the orangutans are fed at different times of the day bananas and milk. Here are the first impressions of the Apes. They expected us already in the trees! More about the National Park and the orangutans in the next article!

borneo Orangutans

Tanjung Puting Fütterung


Borneo Orangutans

 weltreise dani


Komodo dragons, the giant dragon of Indonesia

Such a world trip is not complete without seeing the largest living species of lizard in the Komodo National Park!

The arrival is the best of Bali from the plane to the Indonesian island of Flores, specifically to Labuan Bajo. From here you can make one, or multi-day excursions.

I've decided the few days that I have time to use for diving and then to take the same boat in the afternoon on the island of Rinca to visit the National Park there.

Rinca island komodo nationalpark

The Komodo dragon, Varanus komodoensis, come exclusively here on some Lesser Sundas. Since there are only around 3000 copies, the giant reptiles are threatened with extinction.

Even at the dock in the National Park you will be taken by the rangers in reception and the group was always accompanied by two, which of course can already guess that the lizards are not completely harmless.

But then lay about 6 adult lizards next to the farm buildings at the headquarters of the park. Lazy they began to rise up to 3 m long and up to 70kg dragon in the sun and let the photo session patiently endure.

Varanus komodoensis

Komodowaran Rinca

Our ranger also said that we now make better photos, since it is unlikely that we will see on our one-hour tour on the island of Rinca Komodo dragons more!

hike Rinca

And so that was it ... we .up shortly before the finish then still saw a lizard, the first fled before us. As we followed her but (of course, especially the Ranger), she took a Defense Position and hissed menacingly at us!

Warrants dragons nationalpark

Varanus komodoensis Rinca

Drohhaltung komodowarane

Yes, because you get pretty palpitations and wants to run the most, but that is exactly what not to do precisely. Therefore, we stopped in front of the dragon stand up then he turned and looked into the distance!

On the supply list of Komodo dragons are both insects and deer and buffalo, which they kill by a bite and the secreting blood faltering Gifts from their glands. It can take days to die and then the victim is eaten by the lizards.

Wild Rinca

Generally, however, the animals are afraid of people and only attack when they feel threatened. Hopefully the existence of Komodo dragons can be secured again with the establishment of the National Parks! To see the giant dragon in this backdrop on Rinca was certainly a great experience for me!

Semenggoh - orang utans, Mount Ivory & amp; Dome NP

Semenggoh Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, der beste Nationalpark Sarawaks

The next highlight of my trip around the world in the national parks around Kuching in Sarawak, Malaysia was the Semenggoh Wildlife Center, a forest section to be rehabilitated in the orangutans were illegally kept as a pet or injured or found orphaned.

Today here live about 24 monkeys that are called twice per day from the rangers with ape-like sounds to a wooden platform for feeding.

When morgentlichen feeding unfortunately we had no luck, just as was the fruit season and the orang find enough food in the forest.

After 4 hours of waiting time we tried it then again in the afternoon and lo and behold, there really were two sisters in animal feeding. Even from a distance we saw them until they go down swinging high up in the trees to the platform and a pineapple and a coconut outdated.

Pongo pygmaeus

Borneo, orang-utans

Semenggoh feeding

Semenggoh orang

monkey Semenggoh

feeding Semenggoh

Then they headed back on the road in the trees where we only heard the cracking of the coconut.

The pongo pygmaeus are only here on Borneo (Malaysia and Indonesian Kalimantan), and to find in northern Sumatra.

The name orangutan is derived from the Malay and literally means man of the forest. The orangutans here are different to those that we saw later in Kalimantan fact that the hair was rather bright, so garish orange and that the local monkeys have much more hair in the back.

The Semennggoh Wildlife Center was already a good taste of what we have in terms orangutans expected, but more on that later.

But before that, two other National Parks in the program. The Gunung Gading National Park is famous for its Rafflesia, the biggest flower in the world.

The Rafflesia is for science is still a mystery because she has no specific flowering time, stem or roots. It is known that the Rafflesia is found only in connection with a certain Weinrebenart (tetrastigma vine) and quasi absorbs its nutrients.

After 18 months, then comes a brown bud to the fore, then again takes nine months to mature. Only then the flower opens its petals for only 3-5 days. The flower can have a diameter of up to 90 cm.

Rafflesia mountain ivory

In Gunung Gading there is almost always a Rafflesia blooms, but scattered in the park it is of course hard to find. Therefore you meet at the entrance equal to a guide who brought us to the famous flower.

Almost in all National Parks you will find several types of carnivorous plants, we were able to observe on our way to the Waterfall no. 7.

Kuching waterfront

The last of the national parks around Kuching we visited was Kubah NP, which impresses with its varied vegetation. Also, the waterfall is definitely worth the hike.

tree Kubah National Park

Kubah National farnesyl

Kubah national park waterfall

weltreise Gunung gading

Kuching itself is the capital of Sarawak region and has around 600,000 inhabitants.

Waterfront kuching

Kuching waterfront

Bako Nationalpark

The proboscis monkey in Bako National Park

Our first day in Malaysia we wanted to utilize the region Sarawak Kuching around the capital to explore. Four national parks can be reached in day trips and good public offer lots and Wildlife!

Unser erster Ausflug führte uns in den nur 37 km von der Stadt entfernten Bako Nationalpark.

Die unumstrittenen Stars sind hier die Nasenaffen (Nasalis larvatus). Wir sind den ganzen Tag kreuz und quer bei über 30 Grad und 85 Prozent Luftfeuchtigkeit (ja, wir haben geschwitzt) durch den Park gewandert um einen der nur in Borneo vorkommenden Affen zu sichten, leider ohne Erfolg.

Only then it is the proboscis monkeys came to eat evening in the late afternoon, right next to the administration areas of the park. Really very strange animal has to be said! The males with their pear-shaped nose and up to 20 kg beer belly sitting front of the TV look at football on the trees like some man! 😉 The pure vegetarians very peaceful fellows and especially in this park are accustomed to our vision.

Nasenaffe (Nasalis larvatus).JPG

Nasenaffe (Nasalis larvatus) bako

Nasenaffe (Nasalis larvatus) sarawak

Proboscis Monkey (Nasalis larvatus) asleep

Die Anfahrt zum Park ist aber auch schon den Ausflug wert! Vom Fischerdorf Telok Assam aus nimmt man ein Boot das zuerst entlang des mit Krokodilen gespickten Sarawak River fährt, bis man dann das südchinesische Meer erreicht. In insgesamt nur 20 Minuten kommt man dann im Hauptgebäude an, das auch ein kleines Buffet/Restaurant hat. Umliegend sind dann die für Dschungelverhältnisse gut ausgestatteten Bungalows in denen wir mit unserem altbewährten Moskitonetzen übernachtet haben.

Departure Bako National Park

Sarawak river

Chalet bako national park

National Park Accommodation

Neben diesen entzückenden Borneo-Bartschwein-Pärchen (Sus barbatus) das quasi die Müllabfuhr des Parks ist, sind uns die neugierigen Langschwanz-Makaken unangenehm aufgefallen!

wildschweine malaysia sus barbatus

Ganz im Gegensatz zu den friedlichen, sahen wir mehr Makaken als uns lieb war. Die kleinen Biester sind sehr aggressiv und überhaupt nicht scheu. Ständig sind sie auf der Lauer um Essen zu ergattern und umzingeln einen nur wenn sie eine Plastiktüte sehen!

makaken bako

tailed borneo

Generell sind die Wanderwege sehr gut markiert sodass es nicht notwendig ist einen Führer zu nehmen. Das Spezielle im Bako Nationalpark ist, dass obwohl er relativ klein ist, sehr viele Vegetationen abdeckt: Regenwald, Graslandschaft, Klippen, Sträde, Mangroven etc. Besonders beeindruckend sind die meist dicht bewachsenen Sandsteinformationen.

Beach south china sea

Pandan small bay

Ananaspflanze malaysia

sarawak National

Krebs malaysia

Path Borneo rainforest

Rainforest cave Borneo

Sandstone Bako National Park

Bako national park trail

Man sollte hier mindestens einmal übernachten, da die meisten Tiere erst in der Abenddämmerung aktiv werden und außerdem ist es eine gute Gelegenheit relativ bequem eine Nacht im Dschungel zu verbringen und den wunderschönen Sonnenuntergang zu genießen!

sunset sarawak

Unterwasserwelt Komodo: Batu Bolong

The incredible underwater world of Komodo National Park

Most tourists visit the Komodo National Park from the UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe ernannt wurde um die berühmten Warane zu sehen, doch für Taucher aus der ganzen Welt ist diese Region Indonesien schon längst kein Geheimtipp mehr!

Abgesehen von der unglaublich beeindruckenden und farbenfrohen Pflanzen- und Tierunterwasserwelt, kann man hier Tauchgänge zu relativ günstigen Preisen absolvieren. An der “Hauptstraße” von Labuan Bajo reihen sich die Tauchschulen aneinander, viele davon werden von Österreichern/Deutschen geführt sodass man hier auch gut seinen Tauchschein in der eigenen Sprache machen kann.

Allerdings sollte man sich im Vorhinein gut über die unterschiedlichen Tauchplätze informieren und sich nicht von den Überredungskünsten der Instructor täuschen lassen! Im Komodo Nationalparkt gibt es einige Divesites die wirklich nur Fortgeschrittene besuchen sollten. Die Gefahr lauert hier vor allem in den starken Strömungen.

Ich musste zum Beispiel einen Tauchgang nach 10 Minuten abbrechen weil wir sobald wir ins Wasser gesprungen sind, von der Strömung mit sehr hoher Geschwindigkeit mitgerissen wurden und wir die Kontrolle verloren haben. Schlussendlich konnte sich die ganze Gruppe an einem Felsen festhalten und dann in eine andere Richtung gegen die Strömung weiterkämpfen. Ich beschloss aus Sicherheitsgründen den Tauchgang abzubrechen, vom genießen der Unterwasserwelt kann hier wohl nicht die Rede sein…..

Nevertheless, despite there as almost everywhere dive sites suitable for all levels including beginners the Counselor Island. Umgeben von unzähligen Fischschwärmen taucht man gemütlich am Korallengarten entlang.
Counselor Island

(😉 also called Nemo) the sweet clown fish cavort in the anemones swaying in the current. Despite brilliant weather a small flashlight while is beneficial to have, especially because the view is somewhat restricted by the flow normally.
nemo indonesia anemonenfisch

Ein wenig furchteinflössend sind die Riesen-Muränen (Gymnothorax javanicus), die über 2 Meter groß werden können und ein Körpergewicht von bis zu 30 kg haben. Entgegen aller Vorurteile sind diese Muränen generell friedlich, wenn sie allerdings gereizt werden und zubeißen, kann das sehr schmerzhaft verlaufen.

muräne dragons

The Oxycomanthus bennettiBennett’s Haarstern – gehört zur Familie der Seelilien und sind in den indonesischen Gewässern weit verbreitet. Sie können verschiedensten Färbungen annehmen, die schönste ist allerdings die gelb-schwarze.

Oxycomanthus bennetti - Bennett's Hair Stern Korallen-flores

The Clown triggerfish or Leopard-Drückerfisch kommt sowohl im Indischen als auch im Pazifischen Ozean vor. Der Mund des Clow-Triggerfish ist gelb umrandet, am Rücken hat er eine gelb-schwarzgepunktete Zeichnung und am Bauch große weiße Flecken. So wunderschön er auch gezeichnet ist, man sollte sich lieber von ihm fern halten bzw. ihn auf keinen Fall essen, dann die Gefahr hierbei eine Fischvergiftung (Ciguatera) zu erleiden ist hoch. Ein Umkehrung des Temperaturgefühls kann die Folge sein, sodass warme Dinge als kalt empfunden werden und vice versa.
Leopard pusher (Balistoides conspicillum)

In Folge noch einige andere schwimmende Zeitgenossen die man rund um das Tauchgebiet im Komodo Nationalpark findet:

turtle komodo

Heuschreckenkrebs (Stomatopoda)
Fangschrecken- or locusts cancers (Stomatopoda)

Manta Rochen
manta rochen komodo

manta-point-flowers indonesien

Batu Bolong, einer der schönsten Tauchplätze der Welt!

Batu Bolong which means as much as Hole in the Rock was by far the most wonderful dive site I have visited so far for me. The first time I had the impression that was surrounded by soooo many fish that I had to schupsen downright aside to get through 😉

Batu Bolong with his Wall is really perfectly designed open-air aquarium, but I think the pictures say a thousand words!

perforated stone

weltreise flores

Die fast künstlich wirkenden Kolonien der Blasenkorallen (Plerogyra) blasen sich tagsüber auf um eine größere Oberfläche zur Lichtaufnahme zu bilden, nachts schrumpfen sie zusammen und setzen ihre Tentakel zum Beutefang ein.
Plerogyra sinuosa (Blasenkoralle)

Wie an den folgenden Bildern zu erkennen ist, konnte ich bei super Sicht jede Menge Meeresbewohner aus der Nähe beobachten und fotografieren, sogar ein schlafender Hai gab sich die Ehre! Trotz der eher mühsamen Anreise und selbst wenn man kein Reptilienfan ist und die Komodowarane nur im Rahmen eines Tauchausflugs als Stippvisite abhakt, als Taucher sollte man sich diesen Teil Indonesiens auf keinen Fall entgehen lassen!

Skorpionfische (Scorpaenidae)


Feuerfisch (Lionfish)

feuerfisch indonesia penga Iceland

Whitetip reef shark
Weißspitzen-Riffhai (Triaenodon obesus

Giant Clam
shell komodo

Ostatlantischer Trompetenfisch (Aulostomus cry

weltreise dive komodo

Saltwater crocodiles in the NT

The crocodiles very close!

In the Northern Territory of Australia, just 45 minutes' drive from Darwin you will find one of the highest concentrations of salt water crocodiles worldwide. Here at Adelaide River live at the 80,000 copies! More than 30 years they were hunted mercilessly and almost exterminated here, now they are protected.


Again and again it comes to tragic incidents in which people are surprised by the giant reptiles, where as lately a fisherman who was bitten by a jumping crocodile head.


The best way is to experience first hand the Crocs a boat trip in which they are baited with meat and they even jump to grab their prey.

This is a natural behavior because the crocodiles also sometimes birds or other animals hunt so.

krokodil adelaide river

The Crocodylus porosus are the largest living reptiles in the world and the males can be up to 6.7 m long and up to 2,000 kg.

Jumping Crocodile NT

saltwater crocodile australia

Crocs are solitary and may fro very hot when they meet. The mating rituals are very brutal and often survive the females do not they. Whether hatch from the eggs male or female depends on the temperature in the nest. Unfortunately always survived only a small part of the boys, as many of enemies, often even other crocodiles are eaten.


feeding reptiles australia

The jumping crocodiles are a true spectacle and even if they are very aggressive, freshwater crocodiles are many places already extinct really very fascinating animals!

crocodile adelaide river.

Although inspire me Reptiles much, it was very scary to see how much force the animals have and how many romp around in the rivers! Employed were at least 3 Crocs in sight, always is to see only one-third of all present!

Darwin was the last stop on my trip around the world in Australia, now even Indoniesien and Malaysia are on the program, more wild animals are waiting for me there!

Kings Canyon

Kings Canyon, der heimliche Star des Outbacks

Our last stop in the outback was the Kings Canyon, which is part of the Watarra national parks. Some of the cliffs are up to 100 m high here.

We decided to Rimweg to make a loop trail that leads along 6 km of the canyon.

Hiking kings canyon

weltreise watarra national park

Also, most animals have to hide themselves due to the milder winter climate, so we only got one or the other lizard to face.

echse outback

With pleasantly warm temperatures, around 4 hours pass so quickly, but I would not imagine how hot things get here in the summer to me. After a relatively steep climb it then goes on first time flat.

gorge outback

rim walk kings canyon

The sandstone at Kings Canyon consists of two different ages, different hard and is 400 and 440 million years old. The softer sandstone is broken and slowly formed a gap of more and more eroded in the soft area just up the canyon was formed.

Erosion by rain and wind created Schricke between the individual layers and formed so here is a unique dome scenery.

Watarrka National Park

george gill range

australia lizard outback

An often-seen bird in Kings Canyon is called the Spinifextaube or Rotschopftaube.

Rotschopftaube (Geophaps plumifera)

Here in the outback camels were brought here because they get along well with the desert-like conditions decades ago. Meanwhile, the animals are bred here and resold in the Middle East, since a very pure race results.

kamel outback

We were accommodated at the Kings Creek Station, a camping site on the we rented a cabin more than overpriced.

campingcabine kings creek station

Sunset kings canyon

Strangely, we have seen throughout the Outback a single kangaroo, but lo and behold, a dingo in the early morning hours on the roadside!

dingo northern territory.jpg

On our last day we went back Outbacktrips back to Alice Springs, this time over the Mareenie Loop, a gravel road that can only be traveled by road vehicles.

Mereenie loop

Again, we got a rather emaciated dingo to face, literally blocked our way.

dingo-Mereenie loop

macdonnell ranges

In the last section, there are countless rock formations that you can visit, due to our fatigue we saw only the Glen Helen Gorge in before we gave back our car filled to the Third times in 4 days with 90 euros and diesel.

glen helen gorge

Although so a trip to the Outback is not exactly a cheap company, I am almost completely sure that I'm only doing this once in a lifetime, definitely was this road trip a highlight on my trip around the world!

Uluru, Kata Tjuta & das Outback

Uluru, the sacred mountain of the Aborigines

The highlight of any trip to Australia is of course a visit to the Ayers Rock, or rather of Uluru in the language of the natives.

We flew from Melbourne to Alice Springs from there in order to rent a jeep to explore that Outback. Can already be guessed from the plane as vast and fascinating, the Outback is!

luftanicht australia outback

red center australien

On the first day we placed the nearly 450 kilometers back to the Kata Tjuta National Park. On the way there we realized quickly that life in the outback particularly at the extreme temperatures is not always easy. However, we were surprised by the rather lush vegetation. So it went past the Mt Conner, the many confused with the Uluru!

greifvogel outback

mt conner


And then, after about 4.5 hours drive along the only paved road and on our way too large SUV it was finally time! In the evening sun shone the largest monolith in the world!

weltreise Uluru


car red center

After a wonderful schöneen sunset, we explored the next day the "shady place", which literally means Uluru, in approximately 10.5 km long Base Walk, which goes around the whole rock.

At various points there are cavities which were used by the Aborigines as shelter, pantry and kitchen for more than 10,000 years ago. At various points, you can also watch rock paintings.

uluru waterhole

Sunset ayers rock

cave Uluru kitchen

ayers rock cave


Since it is a holy place, the indigenous people ask tourists not to climb the mountain, which we have also respected. In 1985 the country was officially returned to Aboriginal people, but only about 5 minutes later, a treaty was signed in which the land was leased for 99 years to the National Park Administration ...

rundgang Uluru hike

sunset uluru

Only about 40 km is the Olgas, another sacred place of the Anangu, the resident tribe of Aborigines. In their language, the mountains are called Kata TjutaMany heads. The Olgas are much higher than Uluru, of which we were able to walk at between two heads convince yourself.

the Olgas outback

kata tjuta viewpoint

kata tjuta hike

trail the olgas

The mood at Uluru, especially at sunset is really something very special and is worth all the effort, an absolute Fixpflichtpunkt on each trip around the world!


Melbourne, better than Sydney?

Although Sydney is a city that really has a lot to offer and the climate is a lot better there, I can answer this question completely undiplomatic with YES!

This city You have to love! Although one moderate weather all four seasons can experience in one day here, the 4 million inhabitants city has a unique flair!

Food and fashion are two important keywords in this metropolis. Nowhere else in the world there are such great restaurants, bars and coffee houses as here.

food and fashion

melbourne cbd von fitzroy

During a walk through the center of one comes across some colonial buildings, but dominates the modern architecture.

federation square


flinderstreet station

Have As in almost all other Australian cities also immigrants from around the world Melbourne added a special touch. There is the Italian and Greek quarters (yummy food!) And of course Chinatown!

Greek food australia

chinatown melly


Here it is particularly fashion-conscious, you put a lot of emphasis on decoration and clothing. Here a shop lined up one after another. Besides the well known brand stores, there are also countless small shops that offer unusual things.

showcase australia

shopping melbourne

Also, the bars are decorated with great attention to detail and generally everywhere is very much design in the air. The most creative district in every respect Fitzroy, where also our favorite restaurant, Veggie Bar is!

cafe victoria

bar melbourne

Veggie bar fitzroy

The most fascinating city in Australia is also known for its lanes, which are small roads in the center. They are peppered fully serve with small restaurants, the creative cuisine.

melbourne lanes

lane australia

lanes melbourne

Internationally known and recognized for its street art of Melbourne. In different districts, you can visit Graffity or Stencilarbeiten. Although sometimes still regarded by politicians as a problem, the graffiti have become a major attraction for tourism!

graffity melbourne

street art fitzroy

street art croft al melbourne

weltreise melbourne street art

graffity fitzroy

streetart melbourne

fitzroy street art

graffity croft al

street art australia

Then I had the opportunity to spend a quiet day in the suburbs. Hard to believe that a just 45 minutes from the center of such landscapes on offer!

World Travel

melbourne panorama

coast melbourne

sunset frankston

sunset victoria

I hereby nominate officially Melbourne as my favorite city on my trip around the world - sorry for that Sydney! 😉

Great Ocean Road

Great Ocean Road – Küste und Wildlife

The Great Ocean Road, which runs 243 km through the state of Victoria, is undoubtedly the most beautiful coast line in the world and thus a mandatory item on my trip around the world!

With the spectacular limestone formations, the surfer beaches and the diverse and unique animal life, for me it is the top destination in Australia per se.

The B100, which is extending from Allansford for Torquay each year of around 7 million tourists visited rising. Although we got in late autumn some dark clouds to face, we could largely avoid the large crowds of tourists.

From the Grampians, we started our route on the Tower Hill Reserve, a collapsed crater of a volcanic eruption that took place 35,000 years ago. The reserve is one of the few places in Australia where koalas, kangaroos and emus can be seen together in the wild.

tower hill reserve

kangaroo asleep

emu tower hill reserve

emu australia

koala victoria

After an overnight stay in Port Campbell, the extraordinary limestone formations of the Great Ocean Road was the next highlight on our road trip.

The interesting formations are thereby able that the lower layers of limestone are softer than the top and are thus flushed from the sea water.

Examples include "The Grotto", "Tower Bridge", the connection path is already caved to the mainland, the beach of "The Loch Ard Gorge" and "The Blowhole".

the grotto


the arch GOR victoria

Loch Ard bra


The best we found the Evening at the Razorback, the last rays of sun illuminated the rocks and the contrast with the dark blue sea was just gigantic.

Razorback great ocean road

Limestone coast australia loch ard gorge


great ocean road lookout razorback

Last but not least, then stood still, the "Twelve Apostles" in the program, so in the marine free-standing limestone rock from which it never really was 12 in number and some are more already collapsed. It will continue to need thousands of years to the sea creates more apostles.

12 apostel great ocean road

great ocean road zwölf apostel

landschaft great ocean road


Then it was once again from experiencing the native animals up close. The Great Ocean Road Wildlife Park you can right up close on a huge site.

emu head australia

wallaby victoria

känguru wildlife park victoria

wallaby feeding

Then, from the Cape Otway changes the scenery, beautiful rain forests instead of bushes and the Great Ocean Road goes along the sea only the animal inhabitants do not change!

wald cape otway

GoR apollo bay

wallaby cape otway

koala australien victoria Phascolarctos cinereus

Here are a few more details of my favorite animals, the koala: You spend 20 hours a day sleeping to save energy and feed off of 70 of more than 500 species of eucalyptus.

koala asleep

koala kennett river

Since the eucalyptus leaves contain toxins that are carefully selected with a lower concentration. Nevertheless, the koalas often act like drunk and our friend Einstein had big problems so here estimate the distance to the leaves.

Phascolarctos cinereus koala eukalyptus

Along the Great Ocean Road the fluffy fellows are regularly on the trees, a particularly good place to see what is close to the Kennett River, where there is also colorful birds and the national bird of Australia, the laughing Hans - Kookaburra romp.

kennett river koala

kennett river birds

Kookaburra Jägerliest (Dacelo novaeguineae)

At long last went further on where the Sulphur-crested Cockatoos Lorne made themselves comfortable on the beach and then to the legendary Bells Beach where is held every year the world's most famous surfing competition.

Gelbhaubenkakadu cockatoo galerita lorne

bells beach

surfer bells beach

As always, the time was too short and it would have to discover where on our fantastic road trip on the beautiful coast road in the world even more!